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This is the page where we will discuss difference between Hinduism and other faiths.
such as Christianity and Hinduism

Chiristianity                                                                             Hinduism

Chiritians believe on Jesus and He him self discribed that he is the only Son of God and others must believe on him
Hinduism believe in One God called "ParaBrahmam" means GOD THE CREATOR, PRESERVER AND DESTORYER OF THE UNIVERSE
All the other Gods and Humans are Son of ParaBrahmam
The Christianity has prided itself in monotheism, the idea that there is only One God as the highest truth. Christianity have said that only the names and forms which refer to this One God are valid but those which appear to worship another God, or a multiplicity of divinities, must be false. They have restricted the names and forms they use in religious worship, and insist that only one set is true and correct and others are wrong or unholy
As a universal formulation Hinduism accepts all formulations of Truth. According to the universal view there is only One Reality, but it cannot be limit ed to a particular name or form. Though Truth is One it is also Universal, not an exclusive formulation. It is an inclusive, not an exclusive Oneness - a spiritual reality of Being - Consciousness - Bliss, which could be called God but which transcends all names. The different Gods and Goddesses of Hinduism represent various functions of this One Supreme Divinity, and are not separate Gods.
As Chiristianity recognizes that the Divine contains only masculine attributes. So

Chiristianity not giving proper honor to the feminine qualities.

As Sanatana Dharma or a universal tradition Hinduism recognizes that the Divine contains both masculine and feminine attributes. Without giving proper honor to the feminine qualities a religion must be incomplete and one-sided, which must result in its teachings having negative consequences. Without recognizing the feminine aspect of Divinity one cannot claim to know God. To recognize the feminine is necessary to restore wholeness, completeness and universality.

Spiritual Life of Universe